HOA Board Member Duties

Source: http://www.ehow.com/list_7565002_hoa-board-member-duties.html

Duties & Responsibilities of HOA Board Members
An HOA has a board of directors that helps its members understand and follow rules. The Board of Directors is made up of volunteers who've been elected to serve and perform a range of duties.

Conduct Meetings
A primary duty homeowner association board members involves attending meetings. Board meetings are often monthly, but can vary based on the association. Board members can call emergency meetings if business must be discussed outside their regular meetings, including property damage issues and residential safety. Each board member should receive a copy of the meeting's agenda along with minutes from the previous meeting.

Authorize Legal Action Against Residents
HOA board members can authorize legal actions against residents. One reason why that might occur is failure to pay annual HOA dues. Residents can receive a verbal warning before getting a written complaint filed against them. Legal action often includes property liens and paying fines.

Handle Reserve Funds & Budgeting
Homeowners association reserve funds represent the amount used toward property repairs or renovations. These funds are used for fixing cracked sidewalks, painting chipped walls and upgrading gardens. The HOA's board of directors must keep these funds safe, such as in a savings or investment account. When the funds aren't monitored properly, the property's upkeep will suffer. The same is true for property operating budgets, which are also under the purview of the HOA board. The board must update the budget annually and decide how much to charge each homeowner in fees to support the property's ongoing expenses.

Keep Homeowners Informed
Homeowners expect communication with its board members. It's a responsibility of the board of directors to keep its members informed of issues that concern them. Besides the monthly meeting, another communication method includes sending out a newsletter. While some homeowner's associations use a printed newsletter, others have switched to electronic newsletters that are both faster and less expensive to produce.

Help Select Professionals
When acting on behalf of its members, a homeowners' association board of directors may require professional help ranging insurance agents to attorneys. Most HOAs have management companies on board to handle interviews, but the board of directors makes the final decision on whom to hire.

HOA Board Officer Duties

President and Vice President
The president runs HOA board meetings and acts as a spokesperson for the board. The president typically is authorized to sign contracts and orders on behalf of the community. The president also oversees the day-to-day administration of the association. The president can assign these tasks to other members of the board. The vice president will assume the president's duties if the president is absent or unable to carry them out. The vice president also may take on additional duties as assigned by the president.

Homeowner fees enable HOA boards to maintain buildings and common areas. It is the treasurer's job to maintain proper financial records. If an outside party handles finances for the board, then the treasurer monitors the third party's work. Florida Statutes and most HOA bylaws require the treasurer to regularly provide homeowners with information regarding association finances by preparing an annual budget and income and expense report.
Records of meetings and official documents are collected and organized by the secretary. The secretary must make these records available to members of the association. A secretary may either take meeting minutes or bring in someone to do so, depending on the bylaws of the association.